
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Sean Plott

Sean Plott Fansite. Comedy/Special Interest : Welcome to Spellslingers, a new show based on the phenomenally popular card game, Magic: The Gathering. Presented by Sean Plott of Day9TV, prepare to experience fun-filled, fast-talking and adrenaline-paced battles that highlight the latest MTG cards. In each episode geek icons will take on our expert Sean with the hope of emerging victorious in an all-or-nothing match, while you learn the tips and tricks to become a MTG expert!
Cette série de YouTube, qui a débuté en 2013, comporte pour l'instant 3 saisons, soit 18 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : et Sean Plott (Host).

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FanArt Sean Plott : Dessins des fans