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Fans de Phillip Jack Brooks

Phillip Jack Brooks Fansite. Sport : World Wrestling Entertainment and Syfy are teaming up to bring you the next generation of reality television with the debut of WWE NXT. In this hybrid live event/reality show, eight popular WWE superstars, including Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho and William Regal, will be paired with eight "Rookies" looking to learn the ropes and make their pro wrestling dreams come true.

They come from various walks of life - from former college basketball stars and firefighters to Harvard Law graduates and indie wrestling champions. They come from locations as exotic as South Africa, the United Kingdom and New Jersey. And they all have one goal: To be the king of the squared circle. Who will emerge victorious and claim his place in the WWE pantheon?
Cette série de Syfy, qui a débuté en 2010, comporte pour l'instant 5 saisons, soit 100 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Michael ?Mike? Mizanin (The Miz), Daniel Bryan (himself), Ron Killings (R-Truth), et Phillip Jack Brooks (CM Punk).

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