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Livre Air

BlueLounge Mika - One Stand fits allMika is the quintessential stand, perfectly proportioned for all tablets. A truly universal concept, Mika is compatible with devices ranging from the Nexus 7 to the iPad and even the MacBook Air or Retina MacBook Pro. Mika is beautifully formed in solid Aluminium (white coated) with soft rubber edges to hold and protect your devices.Mika integrates seamlessly into your desktop. It provides the perfect resting place for your tablet or laptop, keeping your workspace neat and tidy and ready for whatever the day holds.Highlights: -Laptop Stand Mika goes far beyond tablets. Use it to support your Macbook and Mika becomes the ultimate laptop stand. -Comfortable Angle Mika has been designed to hold your tablet at an ergonomic angle, allowing you to access applications, surf the web, watch videos or read with ease.
CE - Appareils électroniques
Support universel en aluminium de haute qualité, solide,
Pour appareils de?:
Angle ergonomique

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