
Communautés de Fans

Fans de William Katt

William Katt Fansite. Action/Adventure/Comedy/Science-Fiction : A special-ed teacher, an FBI agent, and a UFO? That's right, you've guessed it -- The Greatest American Hero. This show was first aired in 1981, and was both a comedy and a drama. A special "power suit" that only works on him is given to the teacher by the aliens, and he is paired up with the gumshoe FBI agent who keeps them both busy with his scenarios. The suit of "unearthly powers" gives the power of strength, flight, invisibilty, flames, telekenesis, vision of events without being there, protection from bullets and fire (if he remembers to cover his head!), and some others that he must figure out as well because; HE LOST THE INSTRUCTIONS THAT CAME WITH THE SUIT! Intro Theme:
Look at what's happened to me
I can't believe it myself
Suddenly I'm up on top of the world
It should have been somebody else Believe it or not I'm walking on air
I never thought I could feel so free
Flying away on a wing and a prayer
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it's just me
Cette série de ABC (US), qui a débuté en 1981, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 3 saisons, soit 45 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Robert Culp (Bill Maxwell), et Connie Sellecca (Pam Davidson).

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Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de William Katt se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

Tests et Notes des Communautés de William Katt

Vidéo des fans de William Katt

FanArt William Katt : Dessins des fans