
Communautés de Fans

Fans de William Bogert

William Bogert Fansite. Comedy/Science-Fiction : When genius cybernetics engineer Ted Lawson (Dick Christie) brings home his top secret invention, a Voice Input Child Identicant or V.I.C.I. (Tiffany Brissette), life becomes anything but mechanic for the Lawson family. With Ted's boss and nosy family next door, his family must pass off Vickie as a real child. It's easy for his wife Joan (Marla Pennington) who can't help dotting on her like a real daughter, but harder for his precocious son Jamie (Jerry Supiran) who uses Vickie to do his homework and ward off Harriet (Emily Schulman), the annoying red headed girl who has a crush on him. Also starring Edie McClurg (Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Hogan Family) as Harriet's busybody mom.
Cette série de Syndicated, qui a débuté en 1985, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 4 saisons, soit 98 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Jerry Supiran (Jamie Lawson ), et Dick Christie (Ted Lawson).

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FanArt William Bogert : Dessins des fans