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Fans de Weruche Opia

Weruche Opia Fansite. Comedy : Bad Education, written by and starring Jack Whitehall, follows Alfie, the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system, and a bigger kid than his students.

Despite his obvious shortcomings, Alfie's position at the school is stable thanks to Fraser, the school's headmaster, who tragically longs to be as cool as Alfie. He's the teacher who just wants to be everyone's 'best mate' and is prone to massive and very public mishaps.

There's also Miss Gulliver, the school biology teacher and the apple of Alfie's eye. She cares deeply about the school and the students.

Deputy headmistress Pickwell is less easy-going. She is an 'old school' teacher and can't stand her younger colleagues. She's a disciplinarian who wants Creationism put back on the syllabus and would prefer a school without children at all!
Cette série de BBC Three, qui a débuté en 2012, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 3 saisons, soit 19 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Jack Whitehall (Alfie Wickers), Sarah Solemani (Miss Gulliver), Mathew Horne (Fraser), et Michelle Gomez (Miss Pickwell).

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