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Fans de Tracy Keating

Tracy Keating Fansite. Comedy : A 1990s flat-share sitcom which, in its tales of the sexual adventures and misadventures of three twenty-somethings living under the same roof, featured more than a dash of crudity. Ben Chaplin (in the first series) played Matthew, a wealthy, workshy landlord who, because of a strange phobia, never leaves the flat. Matthew Cottle was cast as the hapless, sexually innocent Martin, and Samantha Janus played the ambitious but confused and deeply insecure Mandy. Martin and Matthew have been friends since schooldays and Mandy's connection is by way of her best friend Claudia, Martin's sister. Mandy is a bright young woman who wants to better herself and is tired of being treated as a sex object, yet she still tends to find herself jumping into bed with inappropriate men. Both Matthew and Martin are obsessed with sex but neither is conspicuously successful in the field. For the second series, Ben Chaplin (who had struck gold in Hollywood with a starring role in Michael Lehmann's
Cette série de BBC Two, qui a débuté en 1995, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 3 saisons, soit 18 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Samantha Womack (Mandy ), et Matthew Cottle (Martin).

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