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Fans de Tracee Ellis Ross

Tracee Ellis Ross Fansite. Comedy : GIRLFRIENDS is a comedy which provides an open, honest exploration of the hot button issues about family, friends, relationships and life facing women today. With fearlessness and sincerity, the show takes on universal issues that appeal to all women. Whether it's learning to date after divorce or balancing friendships and a new marriage, GIRLFRIENDS treats them all with tenderness, care and respect. At the end of the show's fourth season, Joan (Tracee Ellis Ross) quit her career as a successful lawyer and struggled to fight her romantic feelings for William (Reggie Hayes). In spite of numerous trips to therapy, Toni (Jill Marie Jones) still found herself fighting to save her failing marriage to Todd. Maya (Golden Brooks) grew into an independent student, career woman and successful author after her divorce, and Lynn (Persia White) settled down to find a steady job, tracked down her biological dad and finally secured her own place to live. Last season, GIRLFRIENDS received it
Cette série de UPN, qui a débuté en 0, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 8 saisons, soit 172 épisodes.

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