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Fans de Theresa Caputo

Theresa Caputo Fansite. Documentary/Thriller : Long Island Medium is a series that follows real-life psychic medium Theresa Caputo as she takes clients on an emotional and spiritual journey with the afterlife. As a psychic medium, Theresa has an ability that most people can't comprehend. She spends her days helping individuals find closure and connects people to their loved ones who have passed in order to validate that they are still with them. For Theresa, this is not just her job, this is her life, as she tries to balance the past with the present on a daily basis.
Cette série de TLC, qui a débuté en 2011, comporte pour l'instant 7 saisons, soit 118 épisodes.

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Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de Theresa Caputo se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

Tests et Notes des Communautés de Theresa Caputo

Vidéo des fans de Theresa Caputo

FanArt Theresa Caputo : Dessins des fans