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Fans de Scott Gourlay

Scott Gourlay Fansite. Action/Adventure/Drama : Emergency! is a reality-based show that takes a good look at what goes on in the daily lives of the fire department and hospital work, and everyday life-and-happenings. The show was based on the paramedic program that started in Los Angeles, California in 1969. Senator Alan Cranston actually praised the show for informing the public about the value of funding such programs!
Cette série de NBC, qui a débuté en 1972, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 7 saisons, soit 128 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Julie London (Dixie McCall, R.N.), Kevin Tighe (Paramedic Roy DeSoto), Randolph Mantooth (Paramedic Johnny Gage), Bobby Troup (Joe Early, M.D., F.A.C.S.), Marco López (Marco Lopez), Robert Fuller (Kelly Brackett, M.D., F.A.C.S.), Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Chester 'Chet' Kelly), Mike Stoker (Engineer Mike Stoker), et Michael Norrell (Captain Hank Stanley).

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