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Fans de Roger Martin

Roger Martin Fansite. Comedy : Arthur and Beryl Crabtree feel they have earned some peace and quiet after 24 years of bringing up their four boisterous kids. One by one their offspring pack up and leave home, and their dreams of quiet are coming true at last. But it's just a false alarm as each of the young ones' plans fall through, They all end up back home with mum and dad, and somehow the Crabtrees end up with more kids than they started out with. Arthur and Beryl realise that parenthood can be a life sentence.
Cette série de BBC One, qui a débuté en 1983, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 5 saisons, soit 43 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : William Gaunt (Arthur Crabtree), Patricia Garwood (Beryl Crabtree), et Michael Sharvell-Martin (Trevor Botting).

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FanArt Roger Martin : Dessins des fans