
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Nicholas Crane

Nicholas Crane Fansite. Documentary : The nation's love affair with the coast will be reawakened for this entertaining and ambitious exploration of the entire UK coastline. Every part of the 9,000-mile coast is covered to explore how we've shaped it - and how it shapes us. Hosted by a team of history and geography experts who investigate everything from life on a nuclear submarine; rebuilding the Titanic using computer images; the story behind the first Butlins holiday camp; and the birth of the Severn Bore. Discover the curious, sometimes dysfunctional, relationship between the British and the seas.
Cette série de BBC Two, qui a débuté en 2005, comporte pour l'instant 10 saisons, soit 75 épisodes.

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Dans la boutique des fans de Nicholas Crane

Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de Nicholas Crane se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

Tests et Notes des Communautés de Nicholas Crane

Vidéo des fans de Nicholas Crane

FanArt Nicholas Crane : Dessins des fans