
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Mary Woodvine

Mary Woodvine Fansite. Crime/Drama : Pie in the Sky was a light-hearted British police drama starring Richard Griffiths and Maggie Steed, created by Andrew Payne and broadcast in five series on BBC1 between 13 March 1994 and 17 August 1997 as well as being syndicated on other channels in other countries, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The series departs slightly from other police dramas in that the protagonist, Henry Crabbe, while still being an on-duty policeman (much against his will), is also the head chef of the title restaurant set in the fictional town of Middleton and county of Westershire.
Cette série de BBC One, qui a débuté en 1994, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 5 saisons, soit 40 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Richard Griffiths (Henry Crabbe), Bella Enahoro (DS Sophia Cambridge), Maggie Steed (Margaret Crabbe), Malcolm Sinclair (ACC Freddy Fisher), Samantha Womack (Nicola), Nick Raggett (Leon Henderson), Nicholas Lamont (Gary Palmer), Joe Duttine (Steve Turner), Alison McKenna (Linda), Derren Litten (PC Ed Guthrie), et Marsha Thomason (Sally).

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FanArt Mary Woodvine : Dessins des fans