
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Margaret Mountford

Margaret Mountford Fansite. Reality : The Apprentice sees fourteen candidates, competing against each other for a position at Lord Alan Sugar's company. Each week the candidates take part in a task set by Lord Sugar. Each team will have a Team Leader who managers that group for that task. The team that performs the best will win a reward and avoid the boardroom. The losing team will be summoned to the boardroom where their team leader will be forced to pick two people in their team who we join them in the boardroom and a chance to be fired. After twelve weeks Lord Sugar will be left with his Apprentice, who will work for him at a salary of £100,000. Lord Sugar is very busy so he has Nick and Karen, who act as his eyes and ears, to inform him of what's going on.
Cette série de BBC One, qui a débuté en 2005, comporte pour l'instant 10 saisons, soit 130 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Lord Alan Sugar (The Boss), et Karen Brady (Lord Alan Sugar's advisor).

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Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de Margaret Mountford se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

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Vidéo des fans de Margaret Mountford

FanArt Margaret Mountford : Dessins des fans