
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Luke Gell

Luke Gell Fansite. Comedy : The sex-fuelled lives of five late-teens/early twenty-somethings in the northern town of Runcorn. Janet is going out with Jonny, his best friend Gaz has started to date Janet's best friend Donna, and student Louise just wants a job to keep her in cigarettes. There's also Donna's sarcastic mother, Flo, constantly nagging her daughter to take up a 'proper' relationship with a worthy young man. Storylines followed the on-again/off-again relationships of the young protagonists who have lots of sex and meet in pubs.
Cette série de BBC Three, qui a débuté en 2001, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 9 saisons, soit 78 épisodes.

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FanArt Luke Gell : Dessins des fans