
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Justina Machado

Justina Machado Fansite. Comedy/Family : Parents Dan Yoder and wife Karina find out their daughter Molly is pregnant on the same day that she is graduating from high school with an acceptance to college. Across town in East L.A., Junior Hernandez, in the middle of his high school valedictorian speech, gets a text from girlfriend Molly that he's going to be a daddy. Expectedly, Junior's parents Miguel and Lisette are also upset, as they now have Caucasians in the family. What follows is a crash course in culture blending as Molly and Junior decide they want to get married, thus bringing together two very different families. The dads have the most difficult time reconciling while the moms take a softer approach. When the parents realize their kids are serious about making a life together, they begin to come to terms with this new blended family and understand it will take humor, love and tolerance to make it all work.
Cette série de NBC, qui a débuté en 2013, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 1 saisons, soit 12 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Ricardo Chavira (Miguel Hernandez), et Mary McCormack (Caroline Yoder).

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