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Fans de Julie Cobb

Julie Cobb Fansite. Comedy : Charles, a college student, moves in with the Pembroke family. He doesn't pay rent in exchange for taking care of their children and the house. The Pembrokes' work (due to low ratings) transferred them to another city. The Powells then move in. The family consists of a mother, two daughters, a son, and a retired military grandfather. If I am not mistaken, the father is in the military and only shows up every once in a while. Charles was attached to the Pembrokes and did not want to stay on in the house to take care of the Powells. But alas, he formed a connection with the family and stayed. For the next four years, Charles takes care of the children and the house, becoming in essence a part of the family. At the same time, the audience witnesses his family problems with his elvis obsessed mother, and the rigors of being a college student with his odd party obsessed best friend Buddy.
Cette série de CBS, qui a débuté en 1984, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 5 saisons, soit 126 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Alexander Polinsky (Adam Powell), James T. Callahan (Walter Powell), Josie Davis (Sarah Powell), Michael Pearlman (Jason Michael Pembroke), Ellen Travolta (Lillian), et Sandra Kerns (Ellen Powell).

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