
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Jack Mosshammer

Jack Mosshammer Fansite. Action/Adventure/Children/Comedy : Big Wolf on Campus is about star football player, Tommy Dawkins, who was bitten by a werewolf and has transformed into one. He has problems with fleas and during certain events, he can change into a werewolf immediately without any control. Not only that, he has to battle vampires, cat women, ghosts, and zombies. On his side to help, are his best friends, Merton J. Dingle and Lori Baxter. All this can happen and more in his hometown, Pleasantville. THOMAS P. DAWKINS Tommy was just a regular all-star football player in High School, trying to pursue his football career, but his life changed when he is bitten by a werewolf, and becomes a werewolf himself. Unlike others, Tommy is a good-natured werewolf who protects the citizens of Pleasantville. With his good friend Merton and Lori, he battles all kinds of creatures, monsters, and aliens roaming around the town. Tommy transforms when hurt or when he gets emotional, including guilt. And you can't forget the occasional full moon.
Cette série de YTV, qui a débuté en 1999, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 3 saisons, soit 65 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Brandon Quinn (Tommy Dawkins), Danny Smith (Merton Dingle), Aimée Castle (Lori Baxter), et Rachelle LeFevre (Stacey Hanson).

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